A creative multi-level marketing plan allows buyers and agents to have the opportunity for a more hands-on approach when it comes to marketing their home. It better helps the agent to understand exactly what their buyer or seller needs and how much effort and money is feasible for them to put into the process. While money isn’t everything, a marketing plan helps outline the boundaries, so both the agent and the client are on the same page.
In the first blog of this series, we talked about the pre-planning and brainstorming that puts you on track for creating your multi-tier plan. When looking at Tier 1, we see many options that are a great start in building a multi-level marketing plan.
For Tier 2, the foundation is already constructed. At this stage, you already brainstormed and narrowed down your priorities and chose certain marketing tools as the best fit for your business and budget.
In addition to the marketing tools outlined in Tier 1 such as using realtor websites, newspaper ads, or broker events, you are now looking at investing more time and money into the second step of this process –heavily using online resources to spread information.
Tier 2 includes the use of online marketing resources such as creating a property specific website, getting professional images taken of the home to share online and social media, or adding a web link to yard signs, brochures, and clickable links on social media to direct buyers to your specific property site. Unlike a listing on a realtor site, by using a property specific website, buyers are directed right to your home, where they can see images, video, and gain any information they need, plus access to direct contact information about the home. Where a buyer could get distracted by having a lot of options on real estate sites and ads, a specific web link reels them into your property and is more likely to keep them there and interested.
Professional images of the home and/or a professional video helps the buyer to get a true idea of the layout and details of the property. A professional photographer is able to capture the space in the most flattering light and setting –and this makes a BIG difference when presenting the property to potential buyers.
Your other options in the second tier of the marketing plan include a bit more of a hands-on approach, including providing a one-hour consultation with a professional luxury home-stager that you choose. HNW individuals are looking for an experience and lifestyle purchase when they get a new home. You can easily present this experience and lifestyle with a home-stager which gives you room for high-quality showings. Add in the incentive of “sale ready” seller-paid initiative to maximize property marketability and speed the closing process.
In the same way that professional imagery and video help to best showcase the property, hiring a luxury home-stager to make the property look its absolute best could be a convincing move for many luxury buyers. Buyers often have a hard time seeing the potential in a property and having a home-stager set up the property can help showcase the properties best assets. In a similar way, having a personable luxury agent onsight for the showings allows the buyer to get a true impression of who they are working with and strong agent-client relationship. The agent should answer questions on spot, build relationships and provide solutions to any doubt or issues with the property.
Take your plan to the second level to show customers that you are willing to invest in order to achieve success. A property-specific website, professional images taken of the home, or home-staging with an agent on site, sets your professionalism apart from other agents and also helps the home to stand out in the market.
If the budget is available, we definitely recommend looking into adding one or more of the steps in Tier 2 in order to receive better results and benefits from your marketing plan.
For more information and assistance in setting up your marketing plan, visit the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing website for useful resources and the multi-tier marketing level guide to help take your luxury marketing to the next level.
The post Creating a Multi-Tier Marketing Plan (Tier 2) appeared first on ILHM.
Source: Luxury Insights