What is my home worth?
I will provide you with true and current information from recent sales in your community and surrounding areas that accurately compare to your home. Each home is unique and should be treated that way. I have the background to identify the differences in all of my client’s homes.
A visual inspection is done with care, analyzing what has real added value and what is considered a norm in market standards. I will assist you with suggestions and provide tools to get the highest return on your investment.
I am known for asking questions and seeking education on what to look for when a home is to be assessed and what may cause issues so they can be addressed upfront.
Being in the business for over 10 years allows me to give you all my tips, tools and advice in making your home outshine the competition, which equals more Value = More $$$.
Cool Tip: Did you know that dollar for dollar, revamping your landscape typically yields the best return?